Top 5 Aftercare Tips Of Facial Treatments And Its Impact!

One facial treatment may go a long way if you take proper care. You need to provide the key ingredients to stay healthy and look radiant.

Many of us have a concept that facial treatments do not need any maintenance, and people feel free after completing their sessions. But it requires you to follow a few key steps to achieve your desired results. What are they? Just keep on reading and explore them!

What Should You Do After A Facial Treatment?

To achieve your skin goals, your therapist may advise some tips after facial therapy. It is essential to restore your skin health. Read the lines to explore skincare habits you can incorporate immediately for longer-lasting effects.

facial treatments

1. Avoid putting on makeup or other facial products 

It is the most significant one! Your skin has lots of pores for breathing and applying makeup. But you should not use any right after a facial treatment. It will not only undermine the effects of the facial but also block your pores. Wait for at least 6 hours after your treatment and then apply anything.

2. Avoid Using Harsh Skincare Products For At Least 72 Hours After Your Treatment

After undergoing facial treatments, many of us experience slight redness or itching. However, to get rid of it, you must rely on your therapist. They will apply light cream or moisturiser to calm your skin and help it heal. It is the time of skin repairing. So, you should not use any harsh products at this time. 

3. Stay Away From Sunlight For Up To 48 Hours After The Treatment

Direct heat or sunlight can reduce the effectiveness of your treatment. As your skin becomes raw and vulnerable after surgery. Besides, you can not apply any sunscreen against the sun’s harmful UV rays. That means your skin will not be well-protected, so stay away from heat.

4. Only Go For One Facial Or Skincare Treatment At A Time

You should opt for one treatment at a time. It helps your skin adapt to the first facial treatment and provide a reasonable window of time for repair. Then prepare your skin for the upcoming surgery. So, wait for at least 48 hours and then proceed!

 5. Refrain From Smoking Or Drinking Alcohol 

The particles of smoke can clog your pores. Similarly, alcohol contains elements that can affect your skin and reduce the glamour quotient. Therefore, refrain from drinking alcohol or smoking up to 72 hours after your treatment.

Hire An Expert!

If you want to opt for the service of facial treatments, you should choose a prolific clinic. HSA Dermal Clinic is an aesthetic and skin clinic that offers state-of-art skincare treatments. To know more, visit  today!


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